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Knafeh Nabulsieh spreadUpdateKnafeh, Making The Authentic Palestinian Dessert
July 3, 2022

Knafeh, Making The Authentic Palestinian Dessert

We welcomed Chef Mahmoud Darwazeh several months ago now, as our new kitchen Chef, adding to the café’s dynamic team of skilled masters of Arabic cuisine. He takes pride in…
Falafel on a saladUpdate600% increase in # of Veganism over last 5 years
March 1, 2022

600% increase in # of Veganism over last 5 years

Less than a generation ago, veganism was considered beyond fringe. As late as 2014, 1% of Americans considered themselves vegans. In the last 5 years, the number of self-identified vegans…
Cheese spinach manakeesh Yafa CaféUpdateBest Pizza Places, Toppings & Manakeesh
June 10, 2021

Best Pizza Places, Toppings & Manakeesh

Deep dish, thin crust, or somewhere in between, North America is a nation of pizza addicts. That craving has only grown while we’ve been sticking close to home during the…
Ramadan lentil soupUpdateRamadan & Orthodox Easter Menu
April 4, 2021

Ramadan & Orthodox Easter Menu

Ramadan and Orthodox Easter are both at our doorsteps and we're ready for it. This year, Ramadan is expected to begin on April 13, 2021 and end on the sundown…
Locavore diet, ingredients used at Yafa CafeUpdatePeople’s Hunger For The Locavore Diet
February 2, 2021

People’s Hunger For The Locavore Diet

It might seem that we just invented a new diet that seems to suggest crazy (loca means crazy in Spanish) for meat. In fact, that's not the meaning, nor have…
Falafel delightUpdateFood, Restaurant and Gadget 2021 Predictions
December 27, 2020

Food, Restaurant and Gadget 2021 Predictions

Happy new year! 2020 predictions may not have turned out as planned. Many of us did not expected a pandemic to hit us when we rung in the new year.…
Giveaway gift bag for fundraisersEventsCommunity Response to The Fundraisers During Covid
November 10, 2020

Community Response to The Fundraisers During Covid

This past year we've taken on several fundraisers in our establishment to help those in need. Some of the first were donating food to senior homes and front line health…
Chair karak tea at Yafa CaféUpdateFlavourful Chai Karak, The New Popular Drink
September 1, 2020

Flavourful Chai Karak, The New Popular Drink

Chai Karak, or Karak tea is available throughout the Arabian Gulf area. All of clients sipping tea and enjoying the fragrant taste. If you live in those areas, it’s like…
Yafa Cafe Shish barak main dish catering menuUpdateSunshine Makes Things Grow on Our Menu
July 2, 2020

Sunshine Makes Things Grow on Our Menu

Summer is here, it's an excellent time for all of us. The sun is shining and the surf beckons. Despite the pandemic. we feel like the butterfly emerging from her…
Yafa Café patio furnitureUpdateCommunity Response Restores Our Patio and Faith
June 20, 2020

Community Response Restores Our Patio and Faith

Since the start of Covid-19, Yafa Cafe has been creatively continuing to offer the community our unique style of Arabic street food. In our efforts, we enhanced our delivery and…